School management, E-learning, Powerful Data Analytics & Communication Tools For Modern Schools image

School management, E-learning, Powerful Data Analytics & Communication Tools For Modern Schools

School management system designed to put the school management in the know, parents at the center of school communications, keep students engaged in their learning and making teachers' work easier.

Track students performance, plus save time & money by making better informed decisions with our data analysis tools. Our platform also allows schools to send vital, real-time information directly to parents and students via SMS & Email. Leverage the power of ShuleSuite communication.

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Quick Feature List

The Operating System for Schools

How modern schools are run

100% Cloud-based School Management System

  • A school management system designed to put the school management in the know, parents at the centre of school communications, keep students engaged in their learning and make teachers' work easier.

Communicate with your Institution

  • The staff, parents & students can receive updates from the school office via SMS or email immediately.


  • Student report cards are no longer limited to A4 size pages - report cards can be viewed as soft copy pages via phone or web!

  • Send results via email or text message to parents and students.

E-Learning, Assignments & Holiday Homework

  • Students can now engage in a combination of in-person learning and virtual learning.

  • Can receive and do assignments and homework while at home, during weekends and even holidays.

Library Management System

  • Have an online library management system that will be used to issue books, receive books, analyse the most popular books, etc.

  • Book information records system.

  • Track & prevent book loss.

Online web portals for staff, students and parents to log in

  • View students' performance, books borrowed, disciplinary issues, school events.

  • Online noticeboard.

  • Clarity about all parts of your school - access everything in one place.

Admin & staff portal accessed via your phone, tablet or computer image

Admin & staff portal accessed via your phone, tablet or computer

School management system designed to put the school management in the know, parents at the center of school communications, keep students engaged in their learning and making teachers' work easier.

We aim to help schools have all the activities performed by a student in the course of learning done via the system then share the needed information transparently with the management, teachers, parents and the general school community (via the apps & web portals).

Education institutions

Educational institutions are complex structures. While the learning process is taking place, there are numerous tasks and activities taking place at the same time: exams, issuing books to students, communication with parents, school events, online teaching/assignments/guidance, plus analysing and reporting information. Our mission is to give staff, students and parents one place to do all that, ensure there is easy flow of information and give real power to educational institutions.

Parents & students portal image

Parents & students portal

Parents often don’t get the information they need in time and feel detached from their children’s school.
They want to know what their children are up to, how they are performing, what dates school events are scheduled for, etc without having to come to the office or keep on calling the school.

How things work today

Today, parents do everything from their phones from banking, government services to insurance and paying tax via their phone. ShuleSuite enables them to do the same with schooling for your school.

They see everything from the school portal via their phone; can see when important events will be, can see the exam reports & historical performance of the student, get notifications, e.t.c

This makes them happier and makes them proud; viewing their child’s school as modern and innovative.

Send SMS messages & emails to the school community image

Send SMS messages & emails to the school community

Have an AGM/Harambee coming up? Want to remind parents to complete the fee payment? Important announcement? No longer rely on students to deliver this information as it can get distorted or not delivered at all.

With ShuleSuite, the staff, parents & students can immediately receive updates from the school office via technology that works for everyone: SMS.

More bulky documents can also be delivered by email.

Exams, exam results & exam reports image

Exams, exam results & exam reports

Interactive report cards with charts and graphs

No longer limit your exam report card to A4 size pages that students can hide or forge.

ShuleSuite comes with interactive reports that involve detailed charts and graphs per subject etc, comparison with past exams, ranking viewed on the school portal.

Send exam results via SMS & Email

The above results are also delivered via SMS and Email guaranteeing the parents receive them.

E-Learning, assignments & holiday homework image

E-Learning, assignments & holiday homework

ShuleSuite give schools tools to manage online assignments / homework.

Students can now engage in a combination of in-person learning and virtual learning - can receive and do assignments and homework while at home, during weekends and even holidays.

The teachers can configure all the types of assignments and the students will be able to submit the assignments using the system. The task of assessing the performance level of the students is simplified by the assignment records.

The new normal

Remote learning and collaboration is the new norm for modern schools especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. As Satya Nadella, the Microsoft CEO put it, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months. From remote teamwork and learning to sales and customer service, to critical cloud infrastructure and security - we are working alongside customers every day to help them adapt and stay open for business in a world of remote everything.” (Jared Spataro and Microsoft 365, 2020)

Library management system image

Library management system

How many ‘KLB Mathematics Book 4’ are in the library? Which books are often borrowed? How many books did student X borrow in the last month?

ShuleSuite helps you answer these questions and more with the integrated Library Management System. It has a book information records system, issue and return books is done via the system, e.t.c

Librarians have an online library management system they can use to issue books, receive books, analyse the most popular books, track & prevent book loss, e.t.c

100% cloud-based school management system image

100% cloud-based school management system

The 100% cloud-based school management system, available anytime from anywhere will prove to make you and your school proud.
It enables educational institutes to digitally monitor their daily activities along with organizing and managing all the resources and information on a single platform from anywhere in the world.

It also makes processes dependent on automation and not on people.

And has an almost zero cost of ownership and maintenance.

Education institutions

Educational institutions are complex structures. While the learning process is taking place, there are numerous tasks and activities taking place at the same time: exams, issuing books to students, communication with parents, school events, online teaching/assignments/guidance, plus analyzing and reporting information. Our mission is to give staff, students and parents one place to do all that, ensure there is easy flow of information and give real power to educational institutions.

Modern tech savvy institution

It comes with a customised website login with your school’s branding (logo, motto, etc.) and is a one point solution for total school management.

This reflects your school unique brand and helps build an image of modern savvy institution.

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Data analytics & reports

ShuleSuite is the answer to your question: How has the student been performing for the last three years? What books are the students borrowing? Answer these and more questions through Interactive Charts, Graphs & Dashboards made from real-time data, gathered from all systems available to you, displayed in easy-to-understand dashboards that tell a clear story. We not only make it easy for teachers and parents but we also allow a student to understand how they have been performing and what they need to focus on, to perform better.

ShuleSuite improves student learning outcomes by analysing and visualizing educational data. We make it easy for educators to come together and analyse and visualize their own data.

Get any real answers from school data, no more time-consuming report writing or annoying excel sheets. Plus, relevance and accuracy are ensured!